STORY BEHIND THE AD: Lucky Leaf Cherry

For people of a certain age, you hear the word "trifle," and you immediately remember that Thanksgiving episode of "Friends" when Rachel tried to make one for herself ("MEAT? GOOOOD!").

For me, it takes me back to this print work for Lucky Leaf, which was a challenge of its own -- in a pre-TikTok world, it was a recipe ad for a product that most people don't use often, and a dessert many people aren't ambitious enough to make.

But my partner Norman Mallard and I decided to have some fun with it. So we asked ourselves -- what's the coolest part of a trifle? THE LAYERS. How do we call out the layers AND how much people will like this when you make it?

... THIS.


Another simple, fun, award winner, and one I'm proud to still have in my portfolio. (And yes, feel free to save the recipe. It's actually quite good.)

© 2024 Kwame DeRoché

Kwame DeRoche